Really, it's just a pet show.
Primarily dogs and cats with a few, shall we say, more exotic
animals...we've had pigs, guinea pigs, tarantulas, rats, Shetland
ponies, snakes and a cockatiel or two; but for whatever reason, this
event has carried on for 32 consecutive years! People LOVE to bring their
animal friends to the annual 102.5 Hogg Country WJRE Pet Show and
have them strut their stuff! In
addition to prize categories that include cutest and most adorable
(isn't that tarantula cute! Yeah, but the snake is just plain
adorable!) the radio station also has a segment of the show for pet tricks (HEY
rat, you're ON!) And after 32 annual Hog Days Pet Shows, we've never
lost a cat or dog or rat or snake...YET!
102.5 Hogg Country WJRE for details. |