Okay, so first, just what IS fun?

Let's go to the impartial, unemotional and never at a loss for words Miriam-Webster unabridged dictionary...

      "FunA noun. Enjoyment, amusement, or lighthearted pleasure. Something amusing, entertaining, or enjoyable."

We submit to you, ladies and gentlemen of the the pig pen, FUN is available all Labor Day weekend long here in Kewanee, Illinois  at Hog Days. There are carnival rides, the world's largest outdoor pork barbecue, the parade that's really PIG, cotton candy, a craft show and flea market that takes up an entire city park, lemonade shakeups, mud volleyball, onion rings, Model T and A cars, homemade ice cream, a stampede health and fitness run (actually 3 of them!), last year, OVER 16 entertainment acts performing at four different venues throughout the weekend as well as pony rides, a treasure trove of displays at the local historical society and much more.

And since Labor Day weekend has always been our line in the sand between the last days of Summer and the first days of Autumn, fun is to be had as well in family and friend get-togethers and relaxation throughout this last holiday weekend before the arrival of football and falling leaves.

August 29th thru September 1st, 2025 is the date for this year's event. Gas up the car, grab your dictionary, come on down and see if you don't agree...when you're looking for a family-friendly time to enjoy heaping helpings of food, festival and FUN, we invite you to the "Hog Capital Of the World! Because this is the weekend when Pigs Just Wanna Have Fun!

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