How do you sum up Hog Days in just a few words? Or, if you're building a float or maybe designing a t-shirt...what's the theme of Hog Days in any given year? Patriotic? Comedic? Somewhat serious? That is the job of a theme or tag line.

When Hog Days first began, there were no themes.  It was just Hog Days, ok! The program or schedule was mimeographed on a sheet of paper and handed out and that was that.  Although, in the early 1960s, being all modern as we were then, the schedule started getting mimeographed on colored paper! In 1970, Star Courier employee and Kewanee cartoonist of the time, Ray Cruse, began supplying cartoon art to sum up the Festival each year for several years. In 1973, the very first theme or tagline was created to celebrate the 20th Annual Kewanee Hog Days..."3 Cheers For 20 Years!" From then on a theme or tagline was created every year.  Sometimes a contest was held to allow the populace at large to figure out what we were celebrating.  Sometimes the Hog Days Committee or the Chamber of Commerce came up with a theme. For a few years, both organizations were each doing a separate theme much to the confusion of everyone!

So here are 53 reasons (taglines) why we do our annual end of summer Labor Day weekend event!


2025-Kewanee Hog Days. Pigs Just Wanna Have Fun!

2024-Kewanee Hog Days. That's The Way I Like It!
2023-Kewanee Hog Days. The Feeling Never Gets Old!
2022-Kewanee Hog Days. Never Can Say Good-bye!
2021-Kewanee Hog Days. We're Still Having Fun and You're Still the One!
2020-If You Have It, They Will Come.       Kewanee Hog Days!
2019-Kewanee Hog Days. Can't Stop the Squealin'!
2018-Don't Go Bacon My Heart! Come to Kewanee Hog Days!
2017-Since 1954, The Party Rolls On!

2016-Kewanee Hog Days. Welcome to the Pig Time!

2015-Hog Days. Make FUN of It!
2014-Bringin' Home the Bacon Chops Since 1954!
2013-For 60 Years, In Hogs We Trust!
2012-Chop Til You Drop!
2011-Any Way You Slice It...Kewanee Hog Days!
2010-It's Time To Come Home Again!
2009-Saving Summer's BEST For Last!
2008-The Good Old Days Are Still Here!
2007-Kewanee Hog Days. The Fun Begins With You!
2006-Where The Best Memories Begin!
2005-It's Real Porktacular...Open 96 Hours a Year!

2004-Time to Come Together...And Celebrate!   It's Kewanee's  Ses"SQUEAL"Centennial!"

2003-50 Years of Hog Festivals...And STILL Cookin!
2002-Hog Days.  Party With Pork!
2001-Heavenly Hogs of Henry County!
2000-Hog Days Salutes The American Spirit!
1999-Remember the Past. Look To the Future!
1998-45 Years of Hogs and Heroes!
1997-Hogs Around the World!
1996-Hogs: Our Past, Our Present and Our Future!
1995-Family & Community Growing Together!
1994-Pork-Pride of Our Past & Success of Our Future!
1993-Kewanee Hog Days: 40 Years of Memories!
1992-King Hog For President!
1991-Hogs...The Heart of Henry County!
1990-Hog Capital Celebrates the 90s!
1989-Agriculture: Our Heritage and Future!

1988-Kewanee Hog Days: Strong & Alive at 35!

1987-Pork Keeps Henry County Wheels Turning!
1986-King Hog Liberty Festival!
1985-Hog Festival Salutes the American Family!
1984-Honoring American Youth-Today's Child, Tomorrow's World!
1983-Henry County Salutes Hogs & Labor!
1982-Hogs...A Capital Idea!
1981-Hogs...The Provider!
1980-Pork-The Pride of Henry County!
1979-It All Began With Hog & Man...1854-79!
1978-The Silver Jubilee of Hog Festivals!
1977-Kewanee Hog Days-Pork, Prosperity, Pride!
1976-The Oink Heard Round the World!
1975-Our American Colors!
1974-Hog Days...Bigger & Better for 1974!
1973-Three Cheers For 20 Years!

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